Production Accountant
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Vita - References - Contact / Legal Notices


After a profound training background as Assistant Tax Consultant I worked at two law offices in Bremerhaven and Hamburg, exercising very different activities exceeding the normal scope of tax declarations and financial balances. In 1988 I was responsible for the very first time for a film production company as a client - and that was an experience which changed my career totally.
Since 1990 I have been working as a free-lance production accountant on national and international level (among others in Germany, Italy, Morocco, Spain, Thailand and the Caribbean) for national and international film and television productions.

Assisted by free-lance employees it is also possible to handle several projects at the same time. Due to the location of my company office it is possible for production companies to apply for film subsidies for North Rhine Westphalia. My customers are therefore companies in Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich.

Five years ago I sat and passed the examination authorising me to train apprentices. Since then I have been holding presentations in training and further education of professional film makers. Continuing professional education is vital.

I enjoy exercising my profession which enables me to encounter interesting people, challenges my technical background and gives me the chance to take over responsibility in a team. If you require competent film business management for your project, please contact me

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Wolfsland VII and VIII September to December 2019 Molina Film
Das schaurige Haus July to September 2019 Mona Film
Tatort Münster - Lakritz March to May 2019 Molina Film
Jim Knopf und die Wilde 13 December 2018 to June 2019 Rat Pack
Crescendo July to October 2018 CCC Filmkunst
Ein Dorf wehrt sich February to June 2018 Hager Moss Film/Mona Film Österr.
Wolfsland III u. IV September 2017 to January 2018 Molina Film
Tatort Münster - Gott ist auch nur ein Mensch June to July 2017 Molina Film
Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer October 2016 to April 2017 Molina Film
Schatz, nimm du sie May to September 2016 Bavaria Filmproduktion
Wolfsland-Tief im Wald February to April 2016 Molina Film
Der rheinische Cowboy October to December 2015 Molina Film
Wolfsland July to September 2015 Molina Film
Zielfahnder April to June 2015 Wiedemann & Berg
Tatort Münster-Schwanensee February to April 2015 Molina Film
Rosa 2 November to December 2014 Wiedemann & Berg
Herbe Mischung November 2014 Wiedemann & Berg
Verliebt, verlobt, vertauscht October to November 2014 Wiedemann & Berg
Die Verlorene July to October 2014 Claussen+Wöbke+Putz
Warum ich meinen Boss entführte June to July 2014 antares media
Unverschämtes Glück April to June 2014 CineCentrum Berlin
Das Ende der Geduld September to November 2013 Claussen+Wöbke+Putz
Tatort Münster - Die chin. Prinzessin March to May 2013 Müller & Seelig Filmprod.
Der Freiheit entgegen February to May 2013 Wiedemann & Berg
Freelancer 2012: pre-production Transcorda
Freelancer 2012: pre- & post-production antares media
Mr. Morgan's last love 2012: cost reports Bavaria Pictures GmbH
Mr. Morgan's last love November 2011 to February 2012 Bavaria Pictures GmbH
Die Gärten der Villa Sabrini August to November 2011 antares media
Kissenschlacht April to May 2011 antares media
Tatort Münster - Zwischen den Ohren February to March 2011 Müller & Seelig Filmprod.
Tatort Münster - Herrenabend November 2010 to January 2011 filmpool GmbH
Fast eine Million September to October 2010 Müller & Seelig Filmprod.
Ich hab es dir nie erzählt July to September 2010 hager moss film
Ihr mich auch February to April 2010 Müller & Seelig Filmprod.
Alles auf Anfang October to December 2009 hager moss film
Email ins Glück May to July 2009 antares media
Abgekocht October to November 2008 hager moss film
Crashpoint: Berlin July to September 2008 hager moss film
Mein Feind ist weiblich April to May 2008 antares media
Gefühlte XXS March to April 2008 hager moss film
Licht über dem Wasser July to October 2007 (including stay in Ireland) hager moss film
Luginsland 4 May to July 2007 MOOVIE - the art of entertainment
Die Frauen der Parkallee September to November 2006 antares media
Beautiful Bitch June to September 2006 Riva Filmproduktion GmbH
Väter, denn sie wissen nicht was sich tut April to June 2006 Josefine Filmproduktion
Zwei zum Fressen gern August to November 2005 Dreamtool
Lapislazuli June to August 2005 Dor Film
Sportsmann des Jahrhunderts May to August 2005 Neue Impuls Film
Ums Paradies betrogen April to October 2004 (including work in the Caribbean) neue deutsche Filmgesellschaft mbH
Falling into paradise June 2003 to January 2004 Neue Impuls Film
Málaga September to November 2003 (including work in Spain) Multimedia
Der Fall Gehring February to May 2003 Multimedia
Pfarrhausgeschichten August to September 2002 Kinderfilm
Die Falle February to March 2002 Multimedia
Am Ende des Tunnels October to December 2001 Multimedia Hamburg
Rendezvous mit einem Engel July to August 2001 Multimedia Hamburg
Traumfrau mit Verspätung March to June 2001 Multimedia Hamburg
Absolut das Leben March to Decembr 2001 Multimedia Hamburg
Helden II June to August 2000 Multimedia Hamburg
Wir sind vier March to November 2000 Multimedia Hamburg
Die Männer vom K 3 August to September 1999 Studio Hamburg
Herrenhäuser May to August 1999 Akzente Film
Meine beste Feindin March to July 1999 Akzente Film
Der Tanker March to May 1999 (including work in Spain, Marokko and Italy) Novamedia GmbH & Co Osiris KG
Stopover/Bangkok Oct. 1998 to Febr. 1999 (including work in Thailand) Novamedia GmbH & CoKG

Contact and Legal notices

S A N D R A   M A Y
Ludwig-Quidde-Straße 23
51469 Bergisch Gladbach

Phone: +49 2202 818428
Fax: +49 02202 818429
Mobile: +49 172 9587679
E-Mail: info@sandra-may.de

VAT identification number in accordance with § 27a value added tax act:
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer nach §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 814 595 707

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